Store values in a tree structure.
new KeyTree(treeStructure [, callbacks])
Create a tree instance that stores values on nodes of instances of the types
specified in treeStructure
. For example, the following
creates a keyTree whose root node will be an Object and child nodes will
be Arrays:
const cities = new KeyTree( [ Object, Array ] );
Once you've created a keyTree
, you can add,
delete and get values
from it. The following "Chicago"
to the tree:
cities.add( [ "Illinois", "Chicago" ] );
Internally, cities
structure looks like:
"Illinois": [ "Chicago" ]
- treeStructure
:An array of constructor functions. An instance of each type will be used as the nodes of the tree. All of the types except the last should be map-like. The last type should be isListLike. For example:
new KeyTree( [ Object, Map, Array ] ); // OK new KeyTree( [ Object, Set ] ); // OK new KeyTree( [ Object, Array, Array ] ); // WRONG new KeyTree( [ Array, Object ] ); // WRONG
Instances of the types are created with
new Type()
for built-in types like Array and Object. User defined types are created withnew Type(parentKey)
where parentKey is the name of the key of the parent node that points to the node being created.can-reflect is used to access and manipulate each type, allowing rich behaviors as demonstrated in the Advanced Use below. The following lists the reflections used by
:- getKeyValue - to follow a branch from one node to its child node
- setKeyValue - to create a branch from one node to a child node
- deleteKeyValue - to delete a branch from one node to a child node
- [can-reflect/shape.size] - to return the number of child nodes
- [can-reflect/shape.each] - to recursively get child nodes.
- addValues - to add values to the leaf list-like nodes.
- removeValues - to remove values from the leaf list-like nodes.
- isMoreListLikeThanMapLike - to know if the last node type is list-like or not.
- callbacks
:An object containing callbacks
Use Cases
can be used for a wide variety of purposes. In CanJS, it is used extensively for
storing event handlers organized by key and [can-queues event queue]. Its use of can-reflect
means it can simplify complex patterns such as implementing event delegation as shown in the Advanced Use
section below.
When you are adding, removing, and retrieving items from a nested structure, can-key-tree
can likely help.
Import the KeyTree
constructor from can-key-tree
import KeyTree from "can-key-tree";
Create an instance of KeyTree
with an array of types. An instance of each type
will be used as the nodes of the tree. The following creates a tree structure
3 levels deep:
const keyTree = new KeyTree( [ Object, Object, Array ], { onFirst, onEmpty } );
Once you've created a keyTree
, you can .add
, .delete
and .get
values from
The following adds three handlers
function handler1() {}
function handler2() {}
function handler3() {}
keyTree.add( [ "click", "li", handler1 ] );
keyTree.add( [ "click", "li", handler2 ] );
keyTree.add( [ "click", "span", handler3 ] );
The keyTree
data structure will look like:
"click": {
"li": [ handler1, handler2 ],
"span": [ handler3 ]
To get all the li
handlers, use .get
keyTree.get( [ "click", "li" ] ); //-> [handler1, handler2]
To get all click
handlers, you can also use .get
keyTree.get( [ "click" ] ); //-> [handler1, handler2, handler3]
To delete a handler, use .delete
keyTree.delete( [ "click", "li", handler1 ] );
The keyTree
data structure will look like:
"click": {
"li": [ handler2 ],
"span": [ handler3 ]
To delete the remaining click
keyTree.delete( [ "click" ] );
The keyTree
data structure will look like:
Advanced Use
Often, when a node is created, there needs to be some initial setup, and when a node is empty, some teardown.
This can be achieved by creating custom types. For example, perhaps we want to build an event delegation system where we can delegate from an element like:
eventTree.add( [ document.body, "click", "li", handler ] );
And remove that handler like:
eventTree.delete( [ document.body, "click", "li", handler ] );
We can do that as follows:
// Create an event handler type.
const Delegator = function( parentKey ) {
// Custom constructors get called with their parentKey.
// In this case, the `parentKey` is the element we will
// delegate from.
this.element = parentKey;
// the nested data `{click: [handlers...], dblclick: [handlers...]}` = {};
// the callbacks added for each handler.
this.delegated = {};
canReflect.assignSymbols( Delegator.prototype, {
// when a new event happens, setup event delegation.
"can.setKeyValue": function( eventName, handlersBySelector ) {
this.delegated[ eventName ] = function( ev ) {
canReflect.each( handlersBySelector, function( handlers, selector ) {
let cur =;
do {
if ( cur.matches( selector ) ) {
handlers.forEach( function( handler ) { cur, ev );
} );
cur = cur.parentNode;
} while ( cur && cur !== ev.currentTarget );
} );
};[ eventName ] = handlersBySelector;
this.element.addEventListener( eventName, this.delegated[ eventName ] );
"can.getKeyValue": function( eventName ) {
return[ eventName ];
// when an event gets removed, teardown event delegation and clean up.
"can.deleteKeyValue": function( eventName ) {
this.element.removeEventListener( eventName, this.delegated[ eventName ] );
delete this.delegated[ eventName ];
delete[ eventName ];
// we need to know how many items at this node
"can.getOwnEnumerableKeys": function() {
return Object.keys( );
} );
// create an event tree that stores:
// - "element being delegated" ->
// - A "delegator" instance for an event ->
// - The "selectors" we are delegating ->
// - The handlers to call
const eventTree = new KeyTree( [ Map, Delegator, Object, Array ] );
// to listen to an event:
function handler() {
console.log( "an li clicked" );
eventTree.add( [ document.body, "click", "li", handler ] );
// to stop listening:
eventTree.delete( [ document.body, "click", "li", handler ] );
// to stop listening to all clicks on the body:
eventTree.delete( [ document.body, "click" ] );
// to stop listening to all events on the body:
eventTree.delete( [ document.body ] );
How it works
's' commented source can be found here.
On a high level, KeyTree
instances maintain a this.root
map-type whose keys point to instances of other map-types. Those
keys eventually point to some list-type instance that contains a list of the leaf-values added to the tree. KeyTree
methods walk down the tree structure and use can-reflect to perform operations on it.
Watch this overview video on can-key-tree