Cross bind a value to a checkbox.
Binding to checkboxes
To bind to a checkbox and set a boolean value within your scope, set up a two-way binding to the input’s checked
property like so:
<input type="checkbox" checked:bind="val" />
can-stache-converters provides a couple of convenient converters that handle common use cases for binding to a checkbox.
Binding based on whether an item is in a list
Using boolean-to-inList is useful to two-way bind to a checkbox based on whether an item is in a list or not. When the checkbox is checked/unchecked, the list will be updated and that item will either be removed or added to the list.
Binding based on a binary decision
An alternative true and false value can be specified by using either-or. This is used for setting up a “boolean” property that only has two possible valid values, whose values are modelled by the true/false checked property of a checkbox, as in the following example:
<input type="checkbox" checked:bind="either-or(~val, 'a', 'b')" />
In this case, the data passed in as val
is a can-compute that contains either the value a or b. If the value of val
is a then the checkbox will be checked. When the user checks/unchecks the checkbox then the value of val
is set to be either a or b depending on whether it is checked.